Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Foulke, Karen L. "Native Americans in the News." Newspaper Research Journal Winter 1997. 28 Apr. 2008 .

Author Karen L. Foulke talks about a book she has reviewed by Mary Ann Weston called Native Americans in the News. Foulke is a graduate from the School of Journalism at Ohio University. Her article titled, “Native Americans in the News”, tells about Native Americans in the US, from the 1920’s through 1990’s. She wrote how news articles have been used to support stereotypes and studies the history media coverage of Native Americans. She does job well done on explaining the book and Native Americans living in our country.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Feminism- the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. In other words, women standing up for what they believe in because they think that they are equal to men in every way. I am a 15 year-old male and I agree with feminism. Although men and women aren’t necessarily equal in everything, they should have the same rights and be treated alike. Like every topic, there are good role models, and then there are bad role models. An example of good role models for feminism would be Hillary Clinton, or Whoopi Goldberg. Both of these women do their best in raising rallies to support their cause and get the idea out. But for every protagonist, there is an antagonist. Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Ashlee Simpson; all of these women are the complete opposite of what women are fighting for. They go out and get high and drunk every night. They use their sexuality for things only they would think of. These are very bad examples of someone fighting for feminism.
Now for the daily sample of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is the Hillary Clinton of her time. She shows Macbeth the way, and knows how to manipulate the opposite sex. She persuaded her husband, Macbeth, a strong warrior, to kill a man, causing him to go on a killing spree. Lady Macbeth is a strong feminist in my eyes.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good Guy's Gone Bad

When I think of the concept "Good Guy's Gone Bad", one man, who I used to respect immensely comes to mind. His name is Chris Benoit, he was a proffessional wrestler in the WWE. Steroids and illegal performance enhancing drugs. They recently started testing for it in the WWE because of this incident. A well-known side effect of steroids is called "roid rage". Chris Benoit had a rage while in his house on June 24, 2007. He took the life of his wife of 7 years and his 7 year old son. He was also found dead after haniging himself in his own home. He was an extremely kind man, he did charity events in his home town of Edmonton. His lifetime achievements were strong and nobody saw this coming.
Chris Benoit could be compared to Macbeth. Macbeth was a kind man but wanted more power. He was appointed the role of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth became greedy and needed more. He was going to assassinate King Duncan to become king. He was persuaded mostly by his evil wife Lady Macbeth, but he did the dirty deed himself. Macbeth felt remorse after killing the king. He was a good guy gone bad.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In the Socratic Seminar dated April 1, 2008, there were some things I agreed on and some i disagreed with. First of all, the 1st question talking about whether or not we like the play so far, there were obviously different opinions. Most people said though that although it is hard to comprehend what Shakespeare is saying, it makes the play that much better because they need to think about what he is trying to say. I remember Dobbs said that the play, if written in modern english, was turned into a movie, it would not be as good. I disagree because with special effects today, and brilliance of directors, it can be a great movie. Overall, the socratic seminar gave me a better view of the play so far and I am anxious to see what happens next.