Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good Guy's Gone Bad

When I think of the concept "Good Guy's Gone Bad", one man, who I used to respect immensely comes to mind. His name is Chris Benoit, he was a proffessional wrestler in the WWE. Steroids and illegal performance enhancing drugs. They recently started testing for it in the WWE because of this incident. A well-known side effect of steroids is called "roid rage". Chris Benoit had a rage while in his house on June 24, 2007. He took the life of his wife of 7 years and his 7 year old son. He was also found dead after haniging himself in his own home. He was an extremely kind man, he did charity events in his home town of Edmonton. His lifetime achievements were strong and nobody saw this coming.
Chris Benoit could be compared to Macbeth. Macbeth was a kind man but wanted more power. He was appointed the role of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth became greedy and needed more. He was going to assassinate King Duncan to become king. He was persuaded mostly by his evil wife Lady Macbeth, but he did the dirty deed himself. Macbeth felt remorse after killing the king. He was a good guy gone bad.

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